Artikel Hukum
Enforcement between Hope & Reality
Oleh : Drs. M. Sofyan Lubis, SH.
Law enforcement is responsible (accountable)
can be interpreted as an implementation effort of law enforcement that is
accountable to the public, the nation and the state relating to the rule of law
in the legal system, it is also related to the usefulness of law and justice
for the people. Law enforcement is not able to be separated by the legal system
itself. Moderate legal system means a part of the processes / steps that must
be executed interdependent and obeyed by Law Enforcement and Society that led
to the establishment of the rule of law.
It is
common knowledge that law enforcement in Indonesia is very alarming, in addition oddly never
a deterrent for the
people continue to violate the
law, so that the community has been very well trained how to handle in
case of violations of the law is doing, whether it is a violation of traffic,
or general offense-offense conduct, or committing a crime of corruption, not a
problem. Most of the people we have trained properly how to influence the legal
process run so that he could be released from the snare of his sentence. This
fact is one of the indicators of poor law enforcement in this country.
Although there are no comprehensive measures
need to build
an accountable system of law enforcement, among others
1). The need for improvement or updating and
supplementing existing laws and regulations that exist, for example, need to be
followed up with a government regulation (PP) Act No.4 of 2004 mainly governing
criminal sanctions for violators of the Code of Criminal Procedure,
particularly for those who arrested, detained, charged, or prosecuted without a
clear law, or for errors or legal person who applied as defined in Article 9,
paragraph (2) of Law no. 4 of 2004 on Judicial Power,
2) Improve the quality of human resources
(HR) Law Enforcement in terms of both morality and intellect, not least because
the current Law Enforcement, did not understand well the legal ideals are
3). The establishment of an independent
institution by the Government whose members consist of elements of intelligent
society (non-active judges, prosecutors and police active) aimed at overseeing
the law enforcement (law enforcemen ') in which the agency will recommend that
the authorities gave sanction for law enforcement officers who violate the laws
of morality and / or violate the law enforcement process [vide: Article 9, paragraph
(1) and (2) Act No.4 of 2004 on Judicial Power, Jo. Article 17 Jo art. 3
paragraph (2) and (3) Jo. Psl.18 paragraph (1) and (4) of Law 39 of 1999 on
Human Rights (Human)],
4) Keep doing additional standardization and
adequate welfare provision, especially for law enforcement on the payroll are:
Judges, Prosecutors and Police (Non-Advocate) for their professionalism as the
bulk of law enforcement in Indonesia is more focused in their work to enforce
the law in accordance of the law itself objectives;.
5) The conduct of the socialization of law
and legislation intensively to the public as a consequence of the principle of
law that says that: "every society deemed to know the law", even if
the product is new law passed and promulgated and published in the State
Gazette. Here the role of Legal Aid or Legal Aid-Legal Aid and NGOs or similar
organizations is needed, especially in doing "advocacy" to the laws
and regulations can actually promoted and adhered to by all of the components
that exist in this country in order to achieve goals the law itself;.
6). Build determination (commitment) with the
enforcement of the law is consistent. This commitment is expected to be born
primarily initiated and initiated by the "House of Chess" Law
Enforcement or 4 elements, namely: Judge, Lawyer, Attorney and Police, and
commitment to follow and be followed by the whole society;
But the measures suggested above to build an
accountable legal system certainly can not run smoothly without the full
support of the Government of clean ('clean government'), because the rule of
law ('law enforcement') is part of the legal system of government. Governments
('lapuissance de executrice') should guarantee the independence of law
enforcement agencies in this institution subordinate "attorney" and
"police" because the real security of law enforcement institutions
are political platform of the government law that seeks Conditioning
governance-conscious behavior of Indonesian society and comply with the law in
the life of the nation. Law enforcement and accountable is fundamental proof
that Indonesia is really a state law ('rechtsstaat'). In addition, people
should be informed of the criteria / measures are used as the basis for
assessing a law enforcement accountable to the public in order to create a
culture of control of society, without which good law enforcement in Indonesia
is only in the Republic of Dreams. (April 2007)
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